Bappaditya Banik's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 30 of 40 in Wall Photos

स्वभावेन हि तुष्यन्ति देवाः सत्पुरुषाः पिताः।
ज्ञातयः स्नानपानाभ्यां वाक्यदानेन पण्डिताः॥

God/Godess, Gentleman/Ladies, and Father/Mother get delighted by behavior (ability to provide respect). Friends and Brothers get delighted by having Meal & Entertainment together. However a Noble person get delighted by Sweet Words.

देवता, सज्जन और पिता स्वभाव से, भाई- बन्धु ख़ान - पान से तथा विद्वान वाणी से प्रसन्न होते हैं ।
शुभोदयम् !
शुभकामनाएं ।