सन्जीव मिश्र's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 127 of 1,617 in Wall Photos

Vishnu tattva expansion of Krishna DO have only 93% of Krishna 100% qualities, this is the correct understanding.

The reason why Krishna has 100% qualities is because He has 64 classifications in His personality.

The only difference between Radharani and Krishna, is that Krishna IS the Supreme Personality of Godhead and ORIGINAL cause of all causes, and also has 4 extra qualities than His Vishnu-tattva expansions,

This is what 93% is only based on.

Not even Radharani or Balarama have 64 qualities, they also have only 60 qualities.

Therefore, all Vishnu-tattva or Narayana forms have ONLY 60 qualities or classifications in their personality as explained in Srimad Bhagavatam.

Furthermore Shiva has 84% and the jiva-tattva's or marginal living entities like us, have just 78% of Krishna's qualities.

There are basically only two types of living entities, Vishnu tattva and jiva tattva.

All others like Shakti-tattva and Vishnu-shakti-tattva come under the heading of Vishnu tattva.

Only Shiva is in a special league of his own with 84% qualities.

As explained, jiva tattvas (marginal living entities) have 78% of Krishna's qualities.

Krishna is the ONLY one who has all 64 of His own qualities. (100%)

The only difference between Krishna who has 64 qualities and Vishnu tattva expansions that have 60 of Krishna's qualities, is those 4 extra qualities Krishna has.

Not even Balarama or Radharani have 64 qualities, they only have 60 but are still expansions with 93%.

Radharani is Vishnu-shakti-tattva.

The only difference between Her and Krishna is Krishna is the original cause of all causes and has 4 extra qualities, this is what 93% is only based on.

It is relating to 64 qualities = 100% (Krishna) to 60 qualities= 93% (Radharani)

More explained here - https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=952070948250397&id=213567755434057

And more explained below -

1 - Lord Krishna the Supreme Personality of Godhead and cause of all causes has 64 qualities or 100%.

2 - Vishnu-Tattva has 60 qualities = 93%.

3 - Shiva-Tattva has 54 qualities = 84%.

4 - Jiva-Tattva has 50 qualities =78%

Therefore -

Lord Krishna has 64 qualities or 100%

Vishnu Tattva has 60 qualities or 93%

Shiva Tattva has 54 qualities or 84%

Jiva Tattva has 50 qualities or 78%

The Supreme Personality of Godhead / Krishna has all these fifty transcendental qualities in fullness as deep as the ocean. In other words, the extent of His qualities is inconceivable.

(1) Beautiful features of the entire body

(2) Marked with all auspicious characteristics

(3) Extremely pleasing

(4) Effulgent

(5) Strong