Sambhav Jain's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 2,324 of 2,862 in Wall Photos

All children of the world

All children of the world
Love fun.. Helping elders
Being party of family.. Community
All children of the world.
Desire to feel safe .. Loved..
Need food shelter.. Clean water
Air. All children of the world
Learn by being shown.. And
Affirmed when the job is done
Not the person.. But the action
Children of the world.. Can feel
All that is around. And decode
It their level of understanding
Of it...oh as a child.. They feel
All.. But in words.. They are less
Familiar.. So put yourself in their
Place . Could I understand without
Some explanation.. How do I
React now.. If it's unclear.. So
May we treat our newest generation
Of children.. As a prized. Future
Waiting to learn.. To learn that
It's working together.. Helping..
Building... For highest good for
All.. Little trees are cared for
Why not extend to the young
Human forms..
May we be guided to guide
As best as we can . By demonstration to all youth
No matter their age..
Patience. Love.. Redirect..
Doing it with them..
I am sure all remember at
Least one time. That would have
Been a great way to have learned.