ARVIND Ashiwal's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 232 of 11,505 in Wall Photos

Day and Night Words

There are 24 hours in a day. The day is divided into the day(time) and night(-time). Daytime is from sunrise (this varies, but we can say approximately 6 am) to sunset (we can say approximately 6 pm). Night-time is from sunset to sunrise.

1. AM (ante-meridiem = before noon) (मध्य रात्रि के बाद का समय) - starts just after midnight
2. PM (post-meridiem=after noon) (दोपहर के बाद का समय) - starts just after midday
3. Dawn (प्रभात) - the first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise.
4. Dusk (संध्या) - the darker part of twilight especially at night
5. Twilight (सांझ) - the soft glowing light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon, caused by the reflection of the sun's rays from the atmosphere.
6. Sunset (सूर्यास्त) - the time in the evening when the sun disappears or daylight fades.
7. Sunrise (सूर्योदय) - the time in the morning when the sun appears or full daylight arrives.
8. Morning (सुबह) - the period of time between midnight and noon, especially from sunrise to noon.
9. Midday/Noon (दोपहर) - the middle of the day; 12 pm
10. Afternoon (दोपहर के बाद का समय) - the time from noon or lunchtime to evening
11. Midnight (मध्यरात्री) - twelve o'clock at night.