Soumya Salil's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 222 of 244 in Wall Photos

One Life to Live....

People like to say that you only have one life to live, but this has never really rang true for me. I’ve lived a thousand lives in just this one – among countless others woven through an endless tapestry of time. I’ve learned that every ending is also a new beginning, and that each note is part of a greater song. I’ve felt the sting of loss and the balm of hope, seen the light and the dark, and known the pleasure and pain. I’ve sensed and seen glimpses of the stories that live on, somewhere beyond where my mortal eyes can see, in some other dimension or some other plain. And I’ve come to know myself under different suns, wearing different roles and carrying different names. So whenever I hear someone repeat that line that ‘you only live once’, I’m reminded to be brave and to live, not in the past or the future, but here and today – not because I think they might be right, but because I am so very sure that they’re wrong....