Soumya Salil's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 31 of 244 in Wall Photos

Most of us miss out life's big prizes: Nobel... Oscar... Grammys... DegreeS.. gold medal... 1st rank..

But we are all eligible for life's small prizes:

A hug from best friend...

A short sleep on friend's shoulder...

A glorious sunset...

A chat wid one we have crush on...

A dance in rain...

An icecream in winter...

A silent night on the terrace...

Finding money in old jeans...

A slow night walk on a empty road wid the person who care..

On each point you smiled coz its "sooo true " In d memory of our times...childish bt awesome uncountable memories...

Snd it to anyone who md u smile somewhr sometime in ur life to add a smile in thr life..!!