पिंकी जैन's Album: Wall Photos

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Jainism in UK
Today there are some six million Jains worldwide, and they represent less than 2% of India's population. The Jain community in India is centred in Rajasthan and Gujarat. Many migrated to East Africa and from there to Britain, where the community is around 30,000.
Svetambara Jain temples have been built in London, Leicester, and recently at Potters Bar, the latter being the largest purpose-built Jain temple outside India. As well as the Svetambara temples a new Digambara temple has just opened near London.
Non-violence and vegetariansim
Jainism is a philosophy of contemporary relevance, based on the overriding principle of reverence for life. As action, this translates into non-violence and non-possession. Mahavira, the 24th Tirthankara who lived in the 6th century BC, taught that 'There is nothing so small and subtle as the atom nor any element so vast as space. Similarly, there is no quality of soul more subtle than non-violence and no virtue of spirit greater than the reverence for life'.
This principle extends to all life forms and dictates that Jains observe a strictly vegetarian diet. In India it also finds expression in the tradition of establishing animal shelters or sanctuaries where neglected or threatened animals may be cared for. It also dictates which professions Jains may pursue, as those which violate life or the environment are to be avoided. This extends to a platform of environmental concerns, based on a respect for life and a recognition of the interdependence of life forms; 'One who neglects or disregards the existence of earth, air, fire, water and vegetation disregards his own existence which is entwined with them'.
The Jain temple at Potters Bar
Situated at Potters Bar, Northaw, Hertfordshire, the first Jain Svetambara temple (Derasar) in Europe was completed in August 2005 when the three main idols of the Tirthankaras were installed during the Pratishtha ceremony.