प्रदीप कुमार Pradeep kumar Jain (Advocate)'s Album: Wall Photos

Photo 4,393 of 5,099 in Wall Photos

it is called rule of law.
nobody is discussing how great leader he is or how Brazil will suffer .
And in India, conviction of Laluji (because he was opposing govt)
Salman Khan conviction, 800 crore rupee of industry on stake, he is doing charity etc.
it is not our leaders who are responsible for this kind of mess in our country but we people who move only when our interest got affected otherwise "
क्या हो गया जो थोड़ी चोरी कर लीं ? सब करते है.
क्या हुआ जो हिरन मार दिया आदमी तो नहीं मारा ?
आदमी मार भी दिया तो क्या फुटपाथ सोने की जगह थी क्या?"
trust, we hardly love our country which was prime reason for British rules and now rule of not-deserving-power-hungry-leaders.
Jai Ho