Sarbjeet Khosa's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 56 of 89 in Wall Photos

It is so sad to hear that Bollywood actor Sushant Singh committed suicide.
I didn't know that. My best friend told me when I was talking to her in the evening today.
We think who are successful people don't have any problems in their lives. All of us suffer from depression at some point in our lives. And during this corona outbreak, it is obvious And that's when our mind is not in our control and it forces us to take such steps which are not relevant at all. And in that situation, we only don't know what we are doing and what are the consequences will be.
When I was in a depression last year and I used to say to him "I want to die"(when I was in debt) whenever I talk to my best friend aka my manager told me that he lost his few friends who committed suicide. He told me, "Please don't say like this. I can give you a contact number who help with such matters if you want."
Whenever I feel overwhelmed I use affirmations, deep breathing and sometimes I talk to him and he shares his own experiences about how he deals with stress. Even though I left my previous organization, but still I am in touch with him and my team.
That's why we need to share our struggles we are going through with someone we trust. Maybe that person can't give us a solution, but at least we can set ourselves free by sharing all emotions and feelings with someone.
We need to understand commuting suicide is not the solution to any problem, but problems will be bigger for the rest of the people we are going to leave.
Please don't feel bad about the feelings you have or you are struggling right now. We are never alone. Talk to someone. If you don't have, join any Facebook community where people share their experiences, their struggles, etc. Now, this world is so closer and willing to help each other.
And now in every organization, one special helpline is there we can contact if we are feeling stress or in depressions to get a solution.
Kindly check the websites link given in the bio you can share your feelings with, your information will be confidential.
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