Sarbjeet Khosa's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 59 of 89 in Wall Photos

Ask yourself a question people, you are surrounded by giving you peace or you lose your peace?
If the answer is Peace, congratulations and if The answer is you lose your peace, This is a sign for you to cut them off our of your life.
Because if you lose your peace, You can't enjoy this beautiful life and you will be angry, frustrated, etc unknowingly. and it means you give your power away.
And btw it is not easy to leave such people who are toxic. You can start spending less time with them and spend more time with people who light your life, You feel comfortable. You can express your true self without filtering before you utter a word out of your mouth.
There is one beautiful affirmation I learned from my mentor Louise Hay, "I always attract loving happy people." I have been using this for the last few years and can see how my surroundings changed. I am surrounded by people who respect, support, love and trust me and negative people don't stay anymore.
Start using his affirmation for one month and let me know how it changed your life.
In the beginning, it doesn't seem true. If it is true, we don't need to use any affirmation. And it takes time to change our thoughts to get a different experience. If I can, so can you.
Image: @iamfearlesssoul
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