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Maximum Football 2020 releases later this month.

  • I watched a meeting for a few of the earlier call of responsibility annualized games (like modern warfare 3 or so), and the developers essentially said that ordinary gamers (the ones who play halo,killzone, battle along with Madden nfl 21 coins other shooters) don't purchase call of duty games. Nearly all people who perform call of duty is only going to purchase Cod and a sports match. CODX and TIgerwoods 20xx, CODX and Madden20XX, CODX and NBA2kXX, and etc.. And they'll do so religiously every year. I have heard this subset referred to as Brogamers--sort of the antithesis to those that just play The Sims/Animal Crossing but in the end it is a similar spending pattern. Totally agree with you and this interview from back in the day (individual time is flying by). Bro Perhaps you have played a Madden game recently? They are fucking terrible! Same engine as they used on PS3, however the game has less features and more bugs than it did 15 years back. It is objectively a terribly made game.

    The madden criticism which surfaced has nothing to do along with your comment. Its a growing group of people that want to play a fantastic football match, but Ea keeps selling them exactly the same game without upgrading the motor. This group wants the nfl to either give out multiple instances of likeness rights or sell them exclusively to another firm that would hopefully create a better match. Not surprising. That is the reason why EA does not need to bother ever enhancing anything in the majority of their manners or repairing any bugs that have been there for several years. People will get it no matter whales will dump a lot of money into MUT. 2k has similar problems and the microtransaction stuff is gross but at the very least which has great gameplay and high tier presentation and they still put in a bit more effort. Sports game just have an entirely different demographics to matches like Witcher 3 and CIV.

    If anything this shows you why they released a broken product. The people who purchase don't read/care exactly what the web thinks. Disappointed in the sports community but frankly. . .where else can they go if this is their only alternative? The majority of the sports game fan do not read reviews before they buy. A good deal of them literally just play that sport for the entire year. It is the Exact Same for FIFA. Lots use their playstation as basically a FIFA machine. Imagine if Fromsoftware made a half-baked Souls match. The fans would still purchase it because it's still a Souls match. Makes sense if you consider it that way. It is like three hours and nothing about it's distinctive from all of the other New Super Mario Bros. games. Yet, I purchased it, and therefore didn't countless other players.

    Maximum Football 2020 releases later this month. It honestly compares to late Xbox/early 360 graphically but it really has customization and depth unlike Madden. Honstely if your only real game in town it is not like anybody has a choice only I'm just glad madden did not have to stick around and see his title butchered. Unfortunately Madden & FIFA are matches which are review-immune because of cheap mut coins madden 21 combination of licensing / casual market reach. I get the feeling Avengers will fall into this category. The NFL & FIFA respectively do not take enough flak with this. They have to see that their audience isn't happy but don't switch to non-exclusive licensing anyhow. Past year's I stopped enjoying a month in I had the EA ace left before yesterday I didn't reup.