Inbook has opened one of it's Inbook Library in Shastri Nagar. Shastri Nagar A Block Bhind M P is located in , Locality, Bhind taluka, Bhind District, in the state of Madhya Pradesh state. Inbook Library is currently serving the people of the area for a... moreInbook has opened one of it's Inbook Library in Shastri Nagar. Shastri Nagar A Block Bhind M P is located in , Locality, Bhind taluka, Bhind District, in the state of Madhya Pradesh state. Inbook Library is currently serving the people of the area for a better education. The services are for free, and anyone be it a child or an old person, man or woman, everyone can be a part of the library, and can learn to read and write. "पढ़ेगा इंडिया बढ़ेगा इंडिया"
Chayan Sarawogi
On this day, I request my Inbook Friends to plant a plant, post a picture and encourage your friends and family to do the same.
If 10 of my Inbook Friends plant a plant, and 10 of theirs and 10 of theirs ....
We can build a chain and plant 100s of plant and nurture the nature.