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Currently working hard to launch Astellia

  • Leader
    November 14, 2019
    LoL, this game died a horrible death right and has been so bad received that it never caught back. It was never successful and it is going to never be. Its sad, because we need it to Astellia Online Asper be successful but on the flip side, why would you need to encourage brain dead brain dammage games? In the cash store you can see items that is p2w after first launch, the new things.

    There's no point if what you're able to craft is not equal to what you're able to get different ways. Where a lot of MMO's screw this up That's. Is what they've completed an make the things that you need come. Some people want high value equipment but don't like running exactly the exact same content such as dungeons and raids over an over. You give those folks the capability to get craft and mats that equipment themselves or purchase it from in game AH.

    Above me said like Elvoc you want to make crafting interactive like they did in EQ2. While it crafts the same **** repeatedly, no just placing a number and going to make a sandwich or watch tv. I really liked the mini game from EQ2 myself and it also enabled for you to receive equipment above the level of where to buy Astellia Online Asper what you had been crafting if you timed everything just right.

    There needs to be an extremely high skill level when comes to developing a mmorpg the ideal way.There is a way to nourish the dumb masses that prefer ARPG mindless **** killing and will invest in money store to speed this up or get better gear scores to keep the dumb killing in dungeons.