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Get equipment in MapleStory M

  • Leader
    November 18, 2019
    I personally scrolled and perfected my own cane with 10att primes plus a +25% boss dmg nebulite (trashy exceptional bud nonetheless ).My carte finale is legendary with two lines of +30% supervisor along with a +25% boss dmg neb.. In spite of those"adequate" equips, per Maplestory M Mesos, PDR, and stove, I CAN'T DO **** NW's with around my range with FAR less PDR and percent boss can solo hard magnus and hellux based on cherrytigers (really funded phantom), he could barely solo hellux with 1.8m range CLEAN with 90% PDR and 300% boss...

    - I like the phantom class and have a lot of memories attached to it... but let's face it: my real goal is that I want to be able to solo tough mag and hellux into"self fund" my other personalities and it seems like it takes WAYYYY less effort to deliver a NW to that degree Instead of some ghost

    What are your thoughts? Any idea on how much my primary and buy Maple M Mesos can market? Thanks so much for your time guys!I Can't seem to fight the Maplestory M Boss

    In order to keep it spoiler free, I will consult with the boss as"boss".My question is that: I can't seem to resist the Boss. This really isn't the regular one, although the level 190 one. Either I die too much or I run out of time? Any Maplestory M hints? My personality is level 176, and class bishop.Keep moving and try using abilities which you can use quickly, not necessarily those which hit hardest.