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World of Warcraft: Classic - is the nostalgia trip

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    December 13, 2019
    I will come to older Azeroth as a traveler that is too-grizzled, not able to return. It may even offer a novelty into the legions who combined World of Warcraft after its later expansions fused themselves to the game. Yet it's difficult to imagine a lot of the players remaining within an Azeroth shorn of gold in wow classic those quality-of-life improvements that ensured WoW's victory was long-lived.

    Should all this spell doom for Blizzard's job? Not automatically. It is possible that completely new communities can form around these old structures and systems, but would they stay? Another great problem, after all, is the one that's stalked MMORPGs since their creation: how do you maintain players continuously, indefinitely participated? They get their 15 per month either way. Rather, it is a question of if this project will, on its own terms, be prosperous in the years ahead.

    The first World of Warcraft was built from the ground up around the premise that there would be content patches and, needless to say, expansions to keep building out the world and giving players new content to explore. But World of Warcraft: Classic's entire pitch depends on keeping everything precisely the same.

    Circa 2006, animation. Vanilla's pinnacle, but with no prospect for growth. What buy classic wow gold happens when most of the committed raiders clear Naxx and everyone and their dog is, at long last, kitted out with Thunderfuries and Atieshes? What will remain? The already-diminished communities of the resurrected dream will turn into dust leaving the fantastic towns of World of Warcraft from the ruins of its own logic.