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The Needle appears to bond with RS gold

  • Leader
    November 4, 2019
    The Needle appears to bond with RS gold. It bonded with Brimrose, carrying her memories and turning her blue. It made him blue as well!Could that the Crown have similar effects and is bonded now with Kerapac? Saradomin himself informs us the Crown picked him"- I found a cave that hadn't seen life. . .ever. Within, I saw a golden circlet that called me out, picking me. This is the Crown and that I knew without doubt that it had been created for me. That I were selected. "He also seems to suffer from some type of memory reduction. Although, that probably is that those events have been a long long time back and details are easy to overlook.

    "All I have of them are the memories that I carry through the ages, although I barely remember the titles of my parents or the color of my spouse's eyes. They are a part of the lifetime of this guy I had been not the *** I am now. "I would say that if true, the Crown differs from the Needle at least in a manner in which the process of bonding is much slower. Maybe this applies to the memory reduction, it doesn't happen instantly and possibly being a *** even supresses it. Saradomin might think his blue colour is because of the ascension, but maybe the bonding was finished as he ascended, turning him blue.Could other artefacts bond with people too? If so, could they be bonded together with the World Guardian? Elder Artefacts, over one, perhaps all.Perhaps.

    So the new quest following the events of Desperate Times has been declared and is coming out in July. It's a place North East of Daemonheim that may currently be viewed on the planet map.Part of buy runescape 3 gold the newspost stated:"By the way, a week's Land From Time teaser was only a glimpse of the wonderful adventures awaiting in the far off land of Anachronia. "So this confirms that it's not Orthen.Also at a livestream once we kept asking about it,'' Mod Jack and Mod Shogun kept hinting it being'a HAM'. Does this imply that the HAM are later Kerapac or am I just an idiot?