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Who is this 6th one which Zaros said RS gold?

  • Leader
    December 10, 2019
    Who is this 6th one which Zaros said RS gold? So possibly the Elder *** in incorporeal?

    I do not generally bring Runelabs stuff here. But since it appears to concern the lore community, figured I would give it a shot.Can Support HereJagex was telling us for some time that Quests are restricted as a result of funding. Thats understandable, because they do tend to be heavy on resources. Its annoying that several quests this past year, we've had are made temporary removed. Quests such as the Penguin Sequel at December, the Cases of Meg, and The Easter Quest.

    Jagex is currently doing the job to make themthey ought to stay in game.My suggestion is that any Quests Jagex makes for holidays should stay ingame. Any heavily overpowered rewards such as exp should be removed from them as soon as the vacation is finished but the quests should remain.They're already putting all of this work in, why don't you keep it.

    Here's something for idea; how about a few wallpapers to the gods? The majority of them, such as Zamorak, Saradomin and Armadyl, were initially mortals, so we ought to learn what motivated their philosophies and a bit about their pasts.

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