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As you may have already heard RS gold

  • Leader
    December 16, 2019
    Hello honorable Leth and lorehounds. As you may have already heard RS gold, Jagex shared the latest *** emissary stats in a data stream. If you have not seen themThe Aviansie has a thread showing them for advantage. These proportions provide us a pretty good idea of how popular each faction is with the RS community as a whole, however I am sure everybody reading this is well conscious of how little the ordinary player cares about lore.

    Many people who picked their faction did so for shallow motives or without a clear understanding of the lore behind them, as an example, some Saradominists could possibly be oblivious of his morally ambiguous nature and follow him out of a belief that he is the *** of goodness. Some Godless players may encourage their faction simply because they liked Guthix, without questioning whether the world is truely better off without the gods. And naturally, we have all heard of Zarosian players who follow Zaros since he's ancient magic, ancient curses, and Nex, instead of the real merits of his personality. So I thought... would the emissary stats appear different if only lorehounds were contained, the people that truely care about that type of thing?The purpose of this thread would be to try to gauge how hot each faction is inside the lore community, and also to see whether there are some substantial differences in faction alignment between the lore community and the RS community as a whole.

    Each player should respond with:-What of those 9 emissaries you align with.-Your reason for supporting your faction. Or"I enjoy Seren because she free the avernic demons." Will cause your post not being counted.If you are so inclined, you may also include the following:-If your faction did not exist, which would you select instead and why?

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