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he generated a clock to Kamas Dofus Retro

  • Leader
    March 13, 2020
    Detaching a cocoon of matter, he generated a clock to Kamas Dofus Retro which Tempousfouguite butterflies rushed. Xelor sealed the body of the Clock by covering it with gems that were purple. He had only created a tool for measuring time, Xelor's hitter, and introduced 0. From today on, events could be categorized based on whether they occurred before or after the clock started ticking. "Varkonos knew this song and dancing indoors out, but what followed started to intrigue him"One day, Xelor realized that the Demons of the Hours were overstepping their rights and benefiting from breaches in the tapestry of time to steal from adventurers and plots of land in the World of the Twelve.If you have cash, the point is metters or you do not, you paid and you didn't get the 7days of subscription. Or to make it legal you had subscribed account but couldn't log it to 10hours which is 1/17 of week. As for"Sure I know that a lot of individuals have limited playing time.

    However, if it is down, just go do something else and in a few hours it likely will be up for play." Yea, that way of thinking you might not play dofus at all. Just go do other things. Can it be your point? We chose to play and paid for this, if we didn't, then yea - we can go do something else. You paid for your car? Go do something else rather than driving. I just wanted to make a quick reminder to make sure everyone makes sure their posts to the forum are respectful.It's clearly somewhat frustrating to experience server problems when you're trying to play.

    Understand that now was a major update to the sport, one that was met with excellent anticipation by the greater community, and as such there is possibility of surprise bugs and exceptional maintenance.It's totally fine to voice your frustrations concerning this issue, but please be sure that we're all being respectful of one another, and Ankama, since these issues are resolved buy Dofus Kamas. It is in Ankama's best interests to repair the issues expeditiously, and Ankama will provide proper communicating as necessary.Likewise, it's in everybody's best interests to remain civil and calm as this situation is worked out.