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some direct videos on Phantasy Star Online 2 Meseta

  • Leader
    April 18, 2020
    I had been watching some direct videos on Phantasy Star Online 2 Meseta and they said stuff like a premium account that was paid. I have paid memberships for different MMOs; it's time Phantasy Star Online 2 gets my money finally.PSU on Xbox was a subscription and they did not even update Phantasy Star Online 2. Paying monthly for a match with game breaking bugs which were left unchecked for many years. Maybe if they do not leave us hanging and give constant updates to us. Otherwise micro transactions are preferred for me.This is a totally different scenario than PSU though. It is an 8 year old game that had success overseas, such as occasions, patches, additional courses along with material. I don't have any reason to feel that the variation would be poor to the point a subscription would be a entire throwaway of cash.

    PSU had great success in Japan as well. We got our content 6 weeks on average behind them, for the first little bit and then they stopped caring about the west. I hope you're right and PSO2 does not get ignored. I don't want to have another monthly subscription. Getting $10'd a month to death.I mean, dismissing the lolicon ad and when I made my very own personal team with friends in the JP host, my friends and I'm sensitive to that stuff, had no problem. Things like the character creation actually lets you get creative that much diverse characters aren't really allowed by actions MMOs.

    But, I don't know the neighborhood in server could be cheap meseta pso2. So I guess that's 1 thing I would be concerned about also in the official English version, should they would handle matters like harassment or vulgarity. X_x I probably would still main the Japanese server since I never actually see Japanese gamers being publicly sexist or hateful.