If you have three of them » Discussions

Edit: Trauma and the Glowing Twilight Scale

  • Leader
    September 14, 2021
    If you have three of them, you may remove the pants. However, it is advised to WOW TBC Gold keep them as a transition item to use when you transition into the next stage of p3. It's not clear how non-humans take this. They might not ever take them off.

    The mace that heals "Trauma" for my resto shaman .... watching the screen turn green and millions of little healings going out .... it was my jam.

    Edit: Trauma and the Glowing Twilight Scale .... because the chain heal healing was considered a direct heal even on subsequent hops which could cause both these to work as fast as they can, and I could literally be healing 20 out of 25 players in the raid at any time.

    Edit Edit: The 4 pieces of armor from tier 10 which caused your target to get chain heal crits got healed for an additional 25% over time. This added to the insane output that you can obtain as an astro-shaman.

    Chainheal has not been gear dependent to be amazing. But , holy moly did having this stuff make it an absolute game changer. It transforms you from the status of a "really good healer to a straight-up "god-tier"

    The gear of phase 1 is certainly more dull, as compared to the phase 1 Classic in which you could choose from the smallest number of choices, you've got a much larger loot pool to pick from or to farm for. I have two healing weapons in all of Classic because the KT hammer never dropped. Although we're still in phase one, I have several healing weapons to choose from. Each phase has one weapon. Although there's not a super iconic items, like Benediction, every upgrade will be a nice memory.

    It's mostly because TBC items , they are more balanced, and there are numerous options for specific slots. The overall gear in Vanilla is not as famous than TBC. However, people will remember broken pieces of equipment like HoJ Reju Gem, HoJ, edgemasters, etc. which are far more powerful than other item that fits in that slot.

    It's a bit more complex than "they did not know how to play at the time". They intentionally created low-level or end-game bis items, which were both disastrous, in order to allow players to buy WOW TBC Classic Gold make profitable and entertaining choices.