Create image straw polls.

Create free straw polls for your photo/image contest. You can add up to 15 images as answers. For text polls use this form. See all the examples here.

Additional text (optional)
Poll answers. Add up to 15 images (max 1mb/image). Captions are optional.
Image 1 *
Image 2 *
Image 3
+add another answer
Mature content? *
does your poll contain any nudity or profanity? (double check or your poll will get deleted)
+additional options
public polls may be visible on the front page.
Poll duration
for how many days are users able to vote? (after that, only results will be visible)
Allow multiple choices (user can select more than one answer)
Hide results link (user has to vote to see the results)
Cookie voting (only check this if you are going to share your poll with users that have the same IP, like school or office networks)

* required fields
uploading 0%