navin chandra 's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 149 of 1,087 in Wall Photos

Vietnam defeated America after a terrible war that lasted for 20 long years (1955-1975). After the victory, a journalist asked the Vietnam president, "How was the victory achieved? How did Vietnam defeat a country like America?!!!"

The President answered, "Actually, to defeat a country like America was impossible. Yet, a legendary Warrior King's story gave me the confidence and valor to make it happen. The war strategy was planned from this inspiration and we executed it. We won!!!"

"Who was that great King?"

With due respect, the President said," none other than *Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj* who fought against the Mughal Islamist terrorists all alone!! If Vietnam had a King like him we would have ruled the world!!"

A few years later the President passed away. He had asked to carve the following words at his resting place.
" *Resting place of a humble soldier of Shivaji Maharaj."*

We can see these words at the President's Samadhi Sthal even now.

After a few years, the External Affairs minister of Vietnam visited India. As per the scheduled programs, he was taken to the Red Fort and Gandhiji's Samadhi Sthal and other places. But he asked where was the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Samadhi Sthal? The Indian official replied in astonishment that it is in Raigad, Maharashtra.

The ministers came to Raigad and paid respects at Shivaji Maharaj's resting place. And then he took a handful of soil and deposited it with reverence into his bag. Watching this the journalists asked why he did that. He said, "This is the soil of valor and victory where the great Shivaji Maharaj was born and grew up. I will mix this soil with Vietnam's as soon as I reach there. Let Vietnam have brave men like Shivaji Maharaj.