Arvind Passey's Album: Wall Photos

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Only I can read your smile

I love the way your smile
Turns the pages of time
Shows each moment strung in a song.
Your smile miraculously connects them all.
I love the way you smile.

I love the way your smile
Begins a new story for me
Ideas hovering at just the right temperature
Wearing variations of my moody memory.
I love the way you smile.

I love the way your smile
Sings in prose
Delivers speeches in rhymes
In a soundless universe of harmony.
I love the way you smile.

I love the way your smile
Jogs in and out of modern-day revolutions
Yet remaining flawless like the colour strokes
On a painting done centuries ago.
I love the way you smile.

I love the way your smile
Silently gives shape
To all that is going on in my mind
Guarding, guiding, and building upon nuances.
I love the way you smile.

I love the way your smile
Sketches the unsaid and the unread
Creating bridges with
What things are or what they must be.
I love the way you smile.

I love the way your smile
Enacts the seven stages and more
Without wishing to score or settle a score.
Knowing that smiles live forever only if read,
I have and will go on reading your smile.

Arvind Passey
20 April 2018
#poetry #poem #love #smile #poetrysociety #creative #creativewriting