
  • 451

    Classification and characteristics of composite fabrics

    Many netizens have distinguished the functional fabrics such as water repellent, waterproof, breathable, breathable and windproof?
    led by xiaoshan rongli

  • 334

  • 343

    test a

    led by e q

  • 499


    group for selling and buying
    led by Krishna B

  • 500

    Material requirements for steel structure

    The steel structure will be subjected to various forms of action (load, uneven foundation settlement, temperature, etc.) during use
    led by pu tian

  • 548

    श्री श्याम भक्ति

    जय श्री खाटू नरेश
    led by Preet Pawni

  • 429

    Word finder

    Word finder for word games
    led by Kate Daisy

  • 585

    प्रयास सामाजिक संगठन

    हम भारत को सुन्दर बनाने के लिए कार्य कर रहें हैं ।
    सशक्त भारत सर्व शक्तिशाली भारत समृद्ध भारत स्वदेशी भारत सुखी भारत बनेगा।
    led by Kishan Kumar

  • 721

    स्वदेशी भारत अभियान

    हम भारत को भारत की मान्यताओं के आधार पर फिर खड़ा करना चाहता हूँ और इस कार्य में लगा हूँ ।
    led by Kishan Kumar

  • 544

    High temperature resistant plastic hose is widely used

    Outdoor garden hose has the characteristics of pressure resistance, abrasion resistance, etc.
    led by zhangina gao

  • 388

    It Is Necessary To Choose A Better Plastic Label

    Choosing a better plastic label will have a better printing effect, which is naturally the basis of getting better benefits, so we still have to grasp it better, which is naturally the basis of getting better benefits, so we still have to determine it...  more
    led by Gete cecil

  • 530

    Waterproof Fabric Has High Added Value

    Waterproof Fabric is one of the most important types of new high-grade fabrics. It has developed rapidly in recent years and is widely welcomed. At the same time, due to its high added value, various fabric manufacturers...  more
    led by xi xiximin