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Completely enjoying the MapleStory M

  • Leader
    August 30, 2019
    Or maybe 300? Heck even 150 is nice but a lot of us are missing opportunities to make new friends within the sport, MapleStory, and making new friends would create Maple M Mesos us continue to play with the game as it would not feel lonely.

    Yes, we still got our first friends before the entire world merge but many are either going on a lengthy holiday, going to school, work, etc it would get quiet sometimes within the buddy chat.So yeah.... I hope that I gave a precise reason why people have to get a buddy list growth. The more friends, the more reason to play!

    Hii everybody, after playing off and on for a decade, I can't get myself back to maplestory.The best years were 2005-2010, (before big bang) where training was sooo fun along with the pqs were amazing, lpq, ariant pq, carnival pq, kerning pq, etc..

    It was so fun becaues it required attempt, it took months to reach lvl 70, and when you were lvl 70 you were praised. Sins at which the greatest damagers in the game. Idk I overlook this, I reallly want to relish maplestory but it's so simple and less fun anymore (imo).

    This sport has an old school version of the sport and buy MaplestoryM Mesos its own very successful, and more than half of the game population playing it since the simple, hard working matches are favored by many.I don't know if I'm the only one who feels just like this, anyways--

    I'm probably the only that feels like this, and I am 100% sure it won't occur, but mentioning it maybe might bring some attention.