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MapleStory M mobile game in beta on Android

  • Leader
    November 28, 2019
    And I think cap damage is far too high. I thought a decrease cap is required and slightly nerf boss HP, not climbing with the reduced cap because individuals can still solo end-game boss. I mean if we lower cap damage by 40%, boss HP should be nerfed by 10-15%. They are end-game after Maplestory M Mesos, but we can make a problem mode between normal and insanity boss.

    Pretty much my idea about pay2win aspect and this current cap damage.Your thought men about it? Can you believe cap damage is fine currently? How is the pay2win aspect for you? Yay I created a briefer and more accurate thread.

    This is not a rant, this is just my true opinion of an important facet of this brilliant game, the value of these items in Maple Story gets completely destroyed with the upcoming Marvel Machine.

    One of the most appealing things in this game is, bossing, together with buy Maple Mobile Mesos, guildies however a powerful point of bossing is the income it provides, the petroleum of the runs, which an awesome thing that I think most of maplers (financed or even not financed players) enjoys is gollux, performing gollux everyday gathering gollux items little by little each day, we need more things like gollux from the game.