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how stupid do classic wow gold

  • Leader
    May 31, 2019
    Imagine playing on a server with continuous 10k people online though how stupid do classic wow gold you have to be? And going on about oh no black Lotus might be 2 hours now how awful! How different" When you overlook that Northdale has 10x the population a normal server from Blizzard will possess you complete ******.

    99 percent of people believe servers are a true representation of what vanilla has been the vanilla players believe since its they could only remember they're all clogged with this information that is stupid. To be fair I feel like 50% of items in private servers don't work properly, the numbers in health and damage are completely inaccurate, some stats are off, a lot of talents don't even work privately servers, so its only wasting your gift picks, mechanics, some quests provide distinct xp amounts which can influence leveling speed and etc.. There are so many issues, and people are still **** riding these private servers instead of merely allowing blizzard do their thing, I don't even play private servers, so I will be honest, all I really do is go on my level 15 hunter and **** speak in barrens chat about how stupid everyone else is, and yet they refused to believe me, now after blizzard confirming some of the being inaccurate, they are most likely thinking about me and how I am right.

    This movie is so exciting to me - for the most part these reversions into the way will make matters more difficult. From footage I have seen it appears that things are far than I remember more of a cake walk, although I am not really experienced on pservs. Some of this is due to buy wow gold northdale addons, some to overall ability and understanding, but it is cool to know some is due to pservs simply being wrong and simpler.