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I kept coming back to RuneScape gold

  • Leader
    October 23, 2019
    I've got to be honest Torv, when you first came on the scene I didn't actually speed you but I kept coming back to RuneScape gold see your vids and now I must say, you are genuinely my favorite OSRS content founder. You're doing so much for your community, particularly players who want to keep contact Runescape but don't play with anymore. Keep it.Try Me ah so you're saying if they change the motor of Runescape,where Runescapeplay is along the lines such as like Skyrim,you know the principles swing your sword block,throw your magic fighting an enemy with variant movements.Holy **** yo!! Imagine pvm **** would actually be harder and more fun!Blow Smoke I didn't have Skyrim in mind but yeah if Runescape had 1st person perspective,I feel like not just would Runescape be enjoyable but it would also be Grindy but fun at the exact same time you understand?

    Like you mentioned using Skyrim for instance,imagine taking a look at your pc physically walking into a cave filled with what dragons for example,and to see one get up and Aggro for you while really use your keyboard to fight rather than just point click. Runescape has some considerably potiental,it's 2019 jagex needs to do something instead of relying on this **** engine they've been utilizing for ages.Thank you for bringing lots of this to light. Hopefully with a little more attention being drawn to the subject Jagex might start to take some sight. Its so demoralizing seeing this **** as a legitimate player.

    So 1 bot farm I've discovered that /has/ gotten prohibited are magical tree farmers in the spot just south of Seers/East of Ranger guild. Fantastic work exposing bots and I expect jagex watches. I stop playing osrs because of botting. Made it too hard to get a individual to cheap OSRS gold level abilities like mining and kept the prices so low you couldn't make gold.