The recent riots in Bengaluru following a communal social media post shows how Islamic extremism is ingrained in Karnataka and Kerala. In today's episode Prakhar Shrivastava reveals the background behind this phenomenon and dissects Tipu Sultan, a ruler of Mysore whom Muslims in Karnataka and Kerala idolise. Tipu has always been projected as a great and secular ruler in our history books, authored by communist historians. The truth cannot be more divergent. Tipu was a ruthless Muslim ruler whose agenda was to annex Hindu ruled states, expand his empire and convert people to Islam. He is single handedly responsible for the conversion of scores of Hindus into Muslims in present day states of Karnataka and Kerala, particularly the Malabar region. Quoting from letters personally written by Tipu to his commanders in Kerala and Tamil Nadu who led his numerous wars (letters available in William Kirkpatrick's diary and letters of Tipu Sultan). He also quotes British officer William Logan; Portuguese explorer Bartholomew and Tipu's biographer Hussain Kirmani, historian PA Mohammad. Through these referencnces, one can understand the dubious designs Tipu had for Hindus. The ruthless execution of women, children and men to further his religious agenda has also been exposed in this episode. Keep supporting the truth and watch Khari Baat Prakhar ke Saath. #BangaloreViolence #ProphetForAll #CongressSupportsRiots #ProphetMuhammad #SDPI #Rioters #bangaloreriot #Bengalururiots #TipuSultan #Tipu #Prophet_muhammad #BengaluruBurns #BANGALOREburning #OurProphetOurHonour #PrakharShrivastava #PrakharSri For advertisements e-mail us on [email protected] Follow us for regular updates Facebook: Twitter:
The recent riots in Bengaluru following a communal social media post shows how Islamic extremism is ingrained in Karnataka and Kerala. In today's episode Prakhar Shrivastava reveals the background beh...
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